
I feel delighted by and grateful for numerous opportunities to teach spiritual directors and supervisors. Among my partners in this vocation…

  • Together in the Mystery (TIM)

    TIM partners with institutions and individuals to offer academic and non-academic supervisor training for spiritual directors in various locations throughout the United States; in Dublin, Ireland; and by invitation. 

    In addition, Together in the Mystery sponsors its graduates in offering continuing education for spiritual directors around the world via video conference

  • Fordham University's Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education (GRE)

    Located in the Bronx, New York, adjacent to the Bronx Zoo and the Bronx Arboretum, and just a short train ride from Manhattan, the GRE’s Advanced Certificate in Supervision program offers comprehensive learning consisting of three distance-learning courses bookended by two on-campus intensives. (However, COVID precautions have us on an all-distance-learning footing for the time being.)

    Fordham offers a 50% tuition for students in this program, with more possible for those with need.

  • Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality

    Located in a bucolic setting by the sea just a few minutes from the city center in Dublin, Ireland, Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality partners with Together in the Mystery and St. Patrick’s Pontifical University in Maynooth to offer supervisor training for spiritual directors. This results in an Advanced Diploma in Spirituality (Supervision), a graduate diploma recognized at universities throughout the European Union.

  • Retreat House

    Located in the Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas metro area, Retreat House is a contemplative community of spiritual directors and spiritual formation leaders working in a covenant relationship to serve individuals and groups who wish to deepen their relationship with God.

    Retreat House sponsors Together in the Mystery supervision training in partnership with Perkins Theological Seminary.

  • Mercy Center Institute for Spiritual Direction

    Located near San Francisco in Burlingame, California, Mercy Center is one of the longest running and most highly regarded spiritual direction formation programs in the United States.

  • CenterQuest Spiritual Direction School (CQSDS)

    Located in Los Angeles, California, and drawing students from around the world, CQ serves as an ecumenical hub for Christian Spirituality. Its Spiritual Direction School forms spiritual directors through a combination of residency and online learning. It is the only spiritual direction program I know of to offer its spiritual direction students an entire course on supervision.

    Its sister program CQ Asia, is now underway. Centered in the Philippines, CQ Asia endeavors to offer spiritual direction formation taught primarily by Asian instructors and designed particularly for participants living in Asia - so exciting!